Thursday, February 02, 2006

¿Bush una caricatura?

Leyendo por ahi me encontre con este interesante pero no menos desalentador panorama... creo que el articulo habla por si solo:

Battleground of Ideas

Bush’s State of the Union Message confirmed the Arab world’s view of the U.S. president as a caricature who talks about strength and determination while projecting an image of stubbornness and confusion.

(...)We shouldn't be surprised. The State of the Union, perhaps more than any other speech the president makes, defines the way the administration wants to see its world. But its narrative is so foreign to the thinking of most people in the Arab world that they've come to hear Bush's language as a kind of code: "liberation" means occupation, "freedom" means war, "victory" means victims, "reconstruction" means chaos, "democracy" means following directives from Washington. Bush, whatever his intentions—and I think he should be credited with some good ones—has come to be seen as a caricature, talking about strength and determination, projecting an image of stubbornness and confusion.(...)
Publicado el 1 de Febrero de 2006 por Dickey